The Final Flight of the Harvster

Ben-Hur "Harv" C. Viray. MS Computer Science candidate. Network and Distributed Systems Group. University of the Philippines, Diliman

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Peersim 1.0 Released

According to the developers of Peersim, version 1.0 is a major milestone. The release notes describe its "un-backward compatibility" which means that code written for version 0.4 will not work here (notably the Observer and Dynamics classes). As of this moment, the documentation is being updated and will be available in a few days.

I think the overhaul puts Peersim in equal footing with NeuroGrid as far as my learning curve is concerned. We'll see...

Friday, November 11, 2005


I recently bumped into NeuroGrid, which is not only a P2P system but a simulator as well! I found out that you can create your own protocols here to simulate unstructured, loosely-structured, and structured P2P frameworks. This tool is the best one I've found so far! However I'm still studying it before I abandon PeerSim.

Watch out for updates soon.